Nintendo's official guide recommends enabling a DMZ or forwarding all traffic to your Nintendo Switch. Do not follow these instructions as you will affect all other browsing as well as place your entire home at risk. The Nintendo Switch is not a firewall and forwarding all traffic to it or placing it in a DMZ is very dangerous.
How to correctly configure your network to support the Nintendo Switch:
- Configure your Nintendo Switch to always receive the same IP. We do not recommend setting your console's IP to a static address, rather set up your router to always allocate the same IP to your console (this setting can be found under the DHCP menu on most routers, check your router's guide in this knowledgebase to configure static DHCP allocations)
- Nintendo Switch games are designed to look for open ports between 45000-65535 using the UDP protocol. Go to your firewall settings and enable port forwarding. You will need to forward UDP traffic between ports 45000-65535 incoming to your WAN port to the above IP (Your console's LAN IP) on the same ports (UDP: 45000-65535)