Proširena provjera valjanosti SSL-a

Aktivirajte zelenu adresnu traku za najviše povjerenje i konverzije

Što je proširena provjera valjanosti SSL-a?

EV SSL je certifikat o produljenoj valjanosti, najvišu klasu SSL dostupnih danas i daje vam vjerodostojnost i povjerenje web-lokaciji u usporedbi s korištenjem certifikata SSL certifikata za organizaciju ili domene.

Proširena provjera valjanosti SSL aktivira zelenu adresnu traku i prikazuje adresu tvrtke ili organizacije u adresnoj traci preglednika. Ovi istaknuti vizualni indikatori sigurnosti omogućuju posjetiteljima da znaju da su dodatni koraci poduzeti kako "i potvrdili web mjesto koje posjećuju, povećavajući povjerenje korisnika na vašu web stranicu i njezinu vjerodostojnost - to zbog čega većina velikih tvrtki i organizacija odabire EV certifikate.

Recommended Use Cases



New account
signup pages

Certificate Pricing

  • 1-5 Days
  • Business & Ecommerce
  • USD $1,500,000
  • 99.9%
  • R2607.83/yr
  • R2477.44/yr
  • R2433.97/yr
  • 1-5 Days
  • Business & Ecommerce
  • USD $1,500,000
  • 99.9%
  • R17979.76/yr
  • R17080.77/yr
  • R16781.11/yr
  • 1-5 Days
  • Business & Ecommerce
  • USD $1,750,000
  • 99.9%
  • R27087.10/yr
  • R25732.75/yr
  • R25281.29/yr

Contains Your EV Authenticated Organization Details

Certificate details indicate your website is using an Extended Validation SSL Certificate and include the issuing CA, validity status, and expiration date.

Prominent Visual Identity

Increase trust and confidence in your website with full identity verification and prominent visual features.

Trust Site Seal

Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.

$1.5m Warranty

EV Certificates come with a $1.5m warranty that covers data breaches caused due to a certificate flaw.

Certificate Features

Encrypt sensitive data
Secure online transactions
Prove legitimacy
Strongest & Fastest SSL
99.9% Browser Compatibility
Increase SEO rank
Issued in 2-3 Days
Free Reissues
Our SSL certificates are from some of the most trusted brands in Online Security.