Domain Validated SSL

Osigurajte svoju web stranicu za samo nekoliko minuta!

Što je standardna DV SSL?

Potvrde o provjeri valjanosti domene nude ekonomičan i brz način implementacije SSL-a na vašu web-lokaciju. Potvrde domene potvrđuju da ste vlasnik domene, ali ne provodite nikakvu dodatnu provjeru razine organizacije.

idealno za osobne web stranice, blogove i društvene medije ili bilo koje web stranice koje ne prenose privatne i povjerljive informacije. Potvrda domene potvrđuje aktivaciju lokota za preglednik i omogućava upotrebu https kako bi osigurala "osjetiteljima vaše web stranice i korisnicima da ozbiljno shvaćaju njihovu privatnost.

Recommended Use Cases




Certificate Pricing

  • Minutes
  • Personal Websites
  • USD $10,000
  • 99.9%
  • R225.22/yr
  • R213.96/yr
  • R210.21/yr
  • Minutes
  • Small Business
  • USD $500,000
  • 99.9%
  • R1042.61/yr
  • R990.48/yr
  • R973.10/yr

Delivered in Minutes for Instant Protection

The fastest and most affordable way to activate SSL protection for your website, issuance is quick and often fully automated.

Trust Site Seal

Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.

Boost your Google Ranking

Google uses SSL/HTTPS as a factor in determining search engine ranking. Add SSL today to help boost your Google ranking!

Certificate Features

Encrypt sensitive data
Secure online transactions
Prove legitimacy
Strongest & Fastest SSL
99.9% Browser Compatibility
Increase SEO rank
Instant Issuance
Free Reissues
Our SSL certificates are from some of the most trusted brands in Online Security.